SALES, F&I, OFFICE MANAGERS/CONTROLLERS! Your Dealership is Scheduled for New Feature Activations Within the NextTEN DAYS.
Feature/Enhancements to be Activated:
New F&I Forms Menu/Printing l Billing Deals/Printing Forms in Desk/Mate
We have redesigned the Forms Menu in F&I Program 7, Option 3 and Printing Forms in F&I Program 13. We have also added new features to the Desk/Mate Module that allow you to Print Forms and Bill Deals without accessing the F&I Billing Module.
Features & Benefits
Smart Search function allows you to find the form you need quickly without scanning the list.
The ability to reorder the Form list display to easily locate Forms in Program 13: Print Forms.
The Edit button easily allows renaming a form.
For laser forms, there is a simple way to select a custom printer, tray, and number of copies.
What To Expect During Activation?
Activation: The activations will take place overnight. No AMPS update to download.
**Adobe Reader is required to view laser forms.**
Who Will Benefit? ALL Dealers
Training: Please visit the AMU Training Center and access a Learning Path labeled “* New Feature Training – New F&I Billing Forms Menu / Printing Forms & Billing Deals in Desk/Mate” and review a short document.
The document has step by step instructions on how to use the new Forms management and printing in the F&I module as well as Desk/Mate module. It also illustrates how to use the new feature of Billing Deals AND Printing Forms in the Desk/Mate Module.
What’s the Cost?
No additional cost!
Have a Question About Activation?
Contact the Go Team directly at518.831.2200 orclick hereand send us an email!