1. ATTENTION PARTS DEPARTMENTS: The rollout for the NEW Parts Kits Masterfile and the enhancements when selling kits is currently underway

2. ATTENTION ACCOUNTING OFFICE MANAGERS: The NEW Vehicle Merchandising Posting Templates rollout is currently underway

3. RECENT ENHANCEMENTS| Purchase Orders: Mark Open POs CLOSED, F&I Desk/Mate: Desking Proposals History, AMU Portal: New Adaptive Display Mode


Parts Kits Enhancement

Parts Module Program 8: Kits Master File has been redesigned and updated to include several new features such as:

We have also made few enhancements in the Kit selling process.

The “How To…” user guides are now available on the AMU Portal Reference Center. Search using the keywords: New Parts Kits



Vehicle Merchandising Posting Templates Rollout is Underway

Vehicle Merchandising Posting Templates allows you to create templates for different types of stocked-in vehicles and send them to Accounting based on certain criteria such as New Vehicle, Used Vehicle, Certified Car, or Truck, along with their G/L and Inventory Accounts.

The enhancement is designed to convert your existing setup and function as it currently does with just a new posting screen look or allow you to create unlimited templates to eliminate the need to use “*” on the G/L setup screen.

The “How To…” User Guide is now available on the AMU Portal Reference Center. Search using the keywords: VM Templates



Enhancements included in the latest software releases:

Mark Open POs CLOSED

This new feature, in the new Purchase Orders Module, will allow you to mark open Purchase Orders (PO) within a desired date range as closed.

The “How To…” user guide is available on the AMU Portal Reference Center. Search using the keywords: Mark POs Closed.

Desk/Mate Deal Proposal History

Deal Proposal History allows you to track proposals associated with a specific deal. A new deal must be saved for a proposal to be viewed. Once the deal has a deal number, it will have a deal history. Each time a proposal is printed and the deal is saved, a copy of the proposal is saved to the deal and can be easily reprinted in the future.

The “How To…” user guide is now available on the AMU Portal Reference Center. Search using the keywords: Proposal History.

AMU Screen Adaptive Display Mode

The recent enhancement on the AMU screen includes the new Adaptive Display Mode. It is designed to handle the different screen sizes and Windows display resolution levels and provide the appropriate screen view mode.

To access the Reference Center, click on the three white lines to display the menu and select Reference Center.


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